If you're hoping to make some extra cash this year by working a part-time job over the holidays you better get busy. The majority of businesses that plan to hire seasonal staff are beginning interviews this month to allow time to get new staff trained and in place before things really get busy -- so if you wait until November you could miss out. The good news is that many retailers are planning to hire more seasonal help this year than they did last year, but of course there will still only be a limited number of positions available so being an early bird is key.
Here are a few tips for securing yourself a spot in this year's mini holiday hiring spree.
- Apply early and often to improve your odds of getting hired before everything fills up.
- Be clear on your availability and be as flexible as possible. You'll have access to the most hours and best pay if you're willing to work weekends, evenings, and holidays.
- If you're looking for full-time seasonal work be prepared to combine two, or even three, part-time positions.
- Take advantage of unadvertised opportunities by getting out and looking for 'Help Wanted' signs and by asking local businesses if they're hiring (or plan to hire) for the holidays.
- Apply in person whenever possible to put a face with your resume.
- Don't slack off because the job is only temporary -- many companies hire short term holiday workers with the intention of keeping the best ones permanently. Present yourself well at the interview and then perform reliably once hired and you just might get lucky and continue getting hours, and possibly a promotion, after the seasonal rush is over.
Although retail stores are the most obvious businesses to hire extra help during the holidays don't limit your search only to places where people shop. Companies that offer supportive services like customer service, shipping, and security are also great options as they too see a jump in activity during this time. To get you started we've compiled a list of some national businesses that have expressed plans to expand their fleets for the 2010 holiday season but don't forget to seek out opportunities in your local area as many small businesses are also planning to hire, just on a smaller scale.
Retail Companies Hiring for the Holidays- Macy's - plans to hire 65,000
- Toys R Us - plans to hire 45,000
- JCPenney - plans to hire 30,000
- Pier 1 - plans to hire more than last year
- Walmart - plans to hire same as last year
- Target - plans to hire same as last year
- Best Buy - plans to hire same as last year
Customer Service Companies Hiring for the Holidays
- VIPdesk - plans to hire 600 representatives
- Arise - plans to hire 6,000 agents
- LiveOps - plans to hire 2,000 independent contractors
- Convergys - plans to hire 600 gift advisors
- Alpine Access - plans to hire an unspecified number
Shipping/Delivery Companies Hiring for the Holidays
- UPS - plans to hire 50,000
- FedEx - plans to hire an unspecified number
- DHL - plans to hire an unspecified number
- Allied Barton - plans to hire 1,000+